I wanted to make the ultimate banana bread so the last 3 weeks I kind of dedicated my life to it. I made 8 different recipes and let the children and my family decide which one won ‘the challenge’. I think I made a combination from all of them :) and it turned out great! What’s also great is I give it to the kids for school lunch so they don’t have to eat bread all the time.


  • 150 grams flower
  • 50 grams oat
  • 50 grams sugar a bag of vanilla sugar included
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons bakingsoda
  • Pinch of salt
  • 60 ml buttermilk or milk kefir 
  • 1 egg
  • 50 grams of melted butter
  • 3 mashed bananas

additional ingredients:

  • 1 firm apple diced into tiny parts
  • Raisins (a hand full)
  • Pecan nuts and/or walnuts
  • Dried coconut swirls
  • Some maple syrup


Mix all the ingredients into a bowl and grease a cake form of your preference, which is greased with coconut oil

Put it in a 175 degrees preheated oven for +/- 35 minutes.

Enjoy :)

*Home made means I licked the spoon and kept using it*

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